Infrared for Chiropractors and Integrated Health Practitioners

Science-backed natural healing with infrared

Bring health and wellness together with Sunlighten’s infrared saunas in your integrated health or chiropractic practice. Providing infrared sauna therapy, a service that doesn’t require staff assistance, puts you on the leading edge in the effort to focus on healing the body and the mind simultaneously. Patients experience results and want to come back to use it again and again, which you can appreciate as both a health professional and a business owner.  

You want to give your clients tools that are scientifically proven to help them feel better and compliment the programs you’ve designed for them. Sunlighten infrared sauna gives you an option that supports a holistic approach by providing detoxification, flexibility and other health benefits.


The Sunlighten sauna pairs well with chiropractic because of the ability to help increase flexibility, to help people have less inflammation, as well as to have their body be able to detox.

Dr. Michelle Robin

Dr. Michelle Robin’s Story

Hear from a fellow colleague who owns and operates a successful chiropractic office in the Midwest. She shares the reasons she believes her clients benefit from Sunlighten infrared sauna and how she incorporates it into treatments.

Backed by clinical studies.

You’re the expert and your clients trust you want to provide the most credible tools and solutions. Sunlighten is committed to research and studies that validate the benefits of our technologies.


Maximise your investment.

When it comes to investing in your business, you want to provide a return that will be so beneficial to your clientele they’ll continue to come back for more as well as become a referral. With clinically backed results, you’ll have the confidence to promote Sunlighten infrared therapy while giving your clients peace of mind. In addition to the health benefits, Sunlighten saunas require no routine maintenance and are exceptionally energy efficient and cost effective to operate.

Woman Relaxing in an Infrared Sauna

Easy to use and integrate into your practice.

Sunlighten saunas are high quality and easy to install. They’re also easy to maintain and clean. No need for a practitioner or even staff, they offer hands-off, unassisted revenue for a service that really helps your patients.

Products we recommend for your business.