Relax with Safe Heating Technology
While you relax and enjoy the warmth of your Sunlighten sauna, behind the scenes our SoloCarbon heaters are working safely and efficiently with a proprietary blend of FDA-approved materials that we have heat-sealed to withstand temperatures above and beyond the operating temperature, ensuring no unhealthy gasses are released during heating. It is reassuring to have third-party testing verify claims, and Sunlighten is committed to providing that as part of our safety process and quality control.
Ultra Low EMFs
It's true some products produce EMFs and smart consumers are concerned about minimizing exposure. At Sunlighten, we want to eliminate the concern about EMFs in our saunas, and have made mitigation a top priority. As a result, Sunlighten saunas produce almost no EMFs, a fact validated by the world’s foremost EMF testing experts who tested our saunas. Their report shows that Sunlighten heater panels measure 0.5 mG, less than 1 mG! That is lower than 95% of most common household devices. It’s the latest and most current testing so you can rest assured your infrared sauna is safe from EMFs.
Non-Toxic Tested & Approved
The glue we use minimally to adhere the tongue and groove boards to the face of the structure is non-hazardous, non-toxic. Third-party tested by Franklin International.